
Back-end python tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  2. Run the test suites:

    python manage.py test

Back-end style tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    pip install flake8
  2. Run the test suites:

    flake8 .

Front-end style tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    npm install
  2. Run the test suites:

    npm test

Translation lint tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    pip install -r requirements-l10n.txt
  2. Run the test suites:

    cd locale
    dennis-cmd lint .

Selenium/Integration tests

  1. Install test requirements:

    pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  2. Set environment variables in .env file:

    • Required DJANGO_DEBUG_TOOLBAR - The django debug toolbar interferes with selenium clicking on the sign-in button; disable it. NOTE: Make sure you restart the django process.
    • Required TESTING_WEBDRIVER_TIMEOUT - Number of seconds selenium/Firefox will wait before timing out. Default is 0 which skips selenium test.
    • Required TESTING_FXA_ACCOUNT_EMAIL - Email of Firefox Account to use during tests.
    • Required TESTING_FXA_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD - Password of Firefox Account to use during tests.
    • TESTING_SITE - The dashboard domain/site that selenium/Firefox will use. Default is
    • TEST_PUSH_SERVER_URL - The dom.push.serverURL that selenium/Firefox will use. Default is the dev environment: wss://benpushstack-1704054003.dev.mozaws.net/ Note: Make sure the Push Messages API server in PUSH_MESSAGES_API_ENDPOINT matches this push server.
  3. Run the test suites:

    python manage.py test